I only believe in one less God than you do.

The Pantheon, former Roman temple of all gods, now a church.

The New Atheists (a self described term) have been making inroads into the culture for years.  They write articles and books whose sole purpose is to chip away at the foundations of faith, in particular the Christian worldview.   They would like nothing more than to see the belief in The Resurrection relegated to the dust bin of ancient superstition like that of a flat earth or the fear of little green men from Mars.   There is even a book titled, A Manual for Creating Atheists, written by a college professor in the hope that he can train and recruit proselytizers for his ignoble endeavor.

Quite often the New Atheists come up with a retort they think is a slam dunk to make the believer feel foolish and question their faith.   I’ve seen it many times, even written into movies and television scripts where it, of course, goes unchallenged.   One such retort goes like this: “There are hundreds, maybe even thousands of Gods people believe in.   I only believe in one less God than you do.”  Boom.  Mic drop.  Well, not quite.

Imagine a jury of your peers just found you guilty of a crime.  The judge asks you if you have anything to say before the pronouncing of a sentence.   You stand up confidently and say:

“Your Honor, I know that over the last several weeks you’ve heard from many witnesses including police officers and forensic experts.   There has been both circumstantial and direct evidence presented to the jury.   Although every other person on the planet has been eliminated as a suspect and the guilty verdict falls on me alone, I am asking the court to believe in just one less suspect and let me go.”

How might that work out for you?

We are confident that the preponderance of evidence does eliminate the existence of all other gods save the God of Holy Scripture.  You can bet your eternity on it.